Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday, oh rainy Wednesday why aren't you sunny?

I had a surprise interview with American Craft magazine this past weekend. One of the editors saw the clip from Handmade Nation and wanted to help spread the word. It's very exciting to think I could get some interest from the "traditional" crafts-people community. I also did an interview for a Swedish magazine, more on that another time.

This Friday is Spring Gallery Night here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.......

If I didn't have to stay at Paper Boat I would go to Riverwest and check out the scene over there, I swung by Neighbors Gallery yesterday while putting up flyers and Polina has a lot of amazing work to install. It looked good just laying around so when she works her magic it will look incredible, I'm sure of it. Then I would go to A-Hem, which is a clothing store that is hosting a show by Kim Weiss. Weiss is a Milwaukee artist who I met via Art vs. Craft. She is a great painter and is doing a show of small birds who are wearing a lot of royal clothes. I purchased two of them last Art vs. Craft and they hang in my bedroom, they really are worth checking out. THEN, I would go by MIAD for the senior show. There is always something worth seeing mixed in with a bunch of, well, art school crap. Last year is where I discovered the work of local artist Cassandra Smith who worked with us last year. At Paper Boat is the work of my best friend and painter extraordinaire Micaela O'Herlihy who will be exhibiting along side of her art school friend Veronica De Jesus (CA):::

By the way Art vs. Craft is now accepting applications, but only until April 30th!!! Get to it you creative peeps!

1 comment:

myodalisque said...

Thanks for the props Faythe!