Sunday, July 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by flyingfish77

this past week flew by with a very full house of guests in town for gallery night. monica canilao, mike brodie, soup and tod seelie all stayed with us for the opening of brodie & monica's show at my gallery.
opening night was a huge success and you can view pictures on the paper boat flickr account.

realizing i can't do everything, i had to cancel some important out of town dates, like the detroit urban craft fair. i am getting burned out and need to make sure i don't spread myself too extra thin.

the goal for the next few weeks is to get organized, plow through some editing of the film and get ready for fall (which means holiday stuff for the shop).

p.s. this photo is of our backyard where betsy played cello after the gallery opening. it was perfect.

p.p.s this morning i made pesto with the basil from my garden. it was super easy, my first time doing it. i was suprised to see how little pesto you get from sooo much basil.

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