Wednesday, August 22, 2007

hallelujah!! a location has been found!

I am just sending out this email (I have the worst system ever that only allows me to send 100 emails at a time, totally insane) to announce that we found a place for Art vs. Craft--- thanks Chris Ward! The space we got is amazing, their website does their building no justice.... it's pretty exciting.

Hey there!
We've done it! We have secured a date and most importantly found our new home for the winter show (our location for the past three events at MSOE is no longer available). Our website will be updated in September with all sorts of details. Until then, we are pleased to know that our next show will be something special and new, including a fashion show in an elegant theater, live music played on a grand piano and drinks available in a full bar—all located in a historically refurbished building housing one of the largest private art collections in Wisconsindrum roll please.

Mark your calendars!
Art vs. Craft Round 7
Saturday December 8th from 10am-7pm
at the Humphrey Scottish Rite Masonic Center
located in downtown Milwaukee, WI

Interested in applying to the show?
Here are some quick FAQ’s for you question askers. Further details will be available by September 1st. Please take note of the short application window.

Dates to remember:

September 1st:Online applications will go live
September 15th: Online applications will close
September 19th: Notifications will go out via email
October 3rd $75 vendor fee will be due by paypal or check

- Art vs. Craft is a juried event
- It is free to apply
- Be prepared, you will need digital work samples or a web site to be considered
-We will be selecting between 80-100 vendors for this event (exact numbers TBD)
- This will be a one-day event held Saturday December 8th.
- Vendors must be available from 8am through 8pm for loading in and out. There will be no exceptions made.
- Vendor space will be approx. 8x8

We will not be sending a reminder when the application goes live-- so write it down, do it now.... we want to see you at this show this December!

1 comment:

Elements by Dawn said...
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