Thursday, July 06, 2006

follow up....

Okay, things are finally mellowing out, sorta. Here is some follow up to the happenings of the last few weeks-

Art vs. Craft had a whopping 1900 visitors through the doors!

There was an article in the NY Times Magazine last Sunday, July 2nd about crafting and you can read some quotes by yours truly about the craft community- and they mention the Paper Boat, Art vs. Craft AND the Documentary. My parents were REALLY proud.
Check it out HERE.

I went and saw a GREAT film called "Who is Bozo Texino: The Secret History of Hobo Graffiti" which screened at Darling Hall- filmmaker Bill Daniel was there to answer questions. Super super rad film- if you see posters in your town that it is playing, don't think twice and check it out.

Check out pictures of our NEW store location HERE!! I'm so in love with our new space it is crazy- room to breath, room to show art, room to have party's!!

I finally updated the etsy shop for the Documentary, there are over 40 NEW items
which have all been donated to help with the expenses of the film- we need help, so if you see something you like- pick it up- all proceeds go towards the film!
Okay, that's good for now... if you are in Minneapolis this weekend come say hi Saturday at the Craftstravaganza!!!!

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