Monday, July 10, 2006

home sweet home

Home after a quick in and out trip to my old hometown of Minneapolis. We were there shooting for the documentary at the Craftstravaganza- more on this HERE. I had not been to Mpls. in almost 3 years which was hard to wrap my brain around. The changes to my old neighborhood were emmense and shocking. Everything was renovated and devoloped, a lot of the charming odd things I loved are now repainted or torn down. Always sad.

Margret, Drew and Micaela drove back on Sunday afternoon only to find ourselves trapped in some of the worst weather I've ever been in. I am not a huge fan of the highway as it is, and combine that with trecherous weather conditions and I am a total wreck. I have a lot of admiration for folks who just stay calm and think it is exciting to be in over a foot of water and high winds while trying to drive with no visibility. We really thought we may be driving through a tornado.

Home safe just in time for band practice at Luther's house. phew.

Mary Louise of the Journal blogged about the NY Times article last week which was cool, I just found out about it. Here is the link to her blog.

On a lighter note, if you ever want to read a funny blog that my friend Josh writes about his overseas travels check it out HERE- it may not be AS funny if you don't know him, but good to read regardless.

Time to get ready for a visit from my MOM tomorrow! We haven't see eachother in a year, should be good times.

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