Friday, April 27, 2007

Death Zine

Dead Zine is a project my friend Bob is working on, hook him up with submission, old school style, via MAIL. yes, MAIL.


Hey everyone,

I have been thinking a lot about death lately and have found that it helps me a lot to write about it and read and hear about what other people think and feel when it comes to their own mortality. Other times it makes me crawl under the covers and curl into the fetal position.

Anyways, I thought it might be interesting to put a zine together to showcase the many ways we confront life and death. It would be black and white and printed cheaply, so take that into consideration for any art or photography you'd submit. Go fucking nuts, 50 pages of goth poetry will not suffice.

I haven't thought about what to call it yet either and am open to suggestions. If you aren't interested but know someone who might be, please pass this along. If you don't you will get 30 years bad luck and lots of junk mail about pornography.


Please mail any and all submissions with a return address (so I can send you a copy) to:

Dead Zine
c/o Bob Purvis
2741 S. Howell Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53207


Missy said...

Can I post this info. on my blog? I know some people that would probably be interested in it.

Faythe Levine said...
