Monday, June 25, 2007

Q: What happens when you do too much and don't take time to rest?
A: You get walking pneumonia.

It's true for me at least. And like so many other working artists I have no health care. It's such a bummer that you have to weigh out how sick you really are until you just can't stand it any longer and finally go to some clinic. Good news, I'm better. But being at Renegade in Brooklyn a few weekends ago was torture. I was there to do promotion for my film Handmade Nation and I could barely sit at my table.

Renegade was a huge success and got written up in the New York Times yesterday. There are a few quotes from yours truly as well. The article has an awkward tone, in my option belittling our community a bit. But setting aside my criticism, it's cool that the show got such widespread press. I was also disappointed that in the print edition of the article the film was titled incorrectly, but a quick email to the writer and the online version was corrected.

Read it for yourself HERE

This week I find out about some very big possibly life changing news in regards to a recently submitted book proposal. I decided that I am not jinxing myself talking about it because if it is meant to be with this publisher, it will happen. So, if you are the superstitious type, do some good luck dance for me.

In other shameless self promotion news, this week will mark my very first COVER SHOT in our local weekly MKE. Yes, the cover. It makes me squirm, but it's also very exciting that so much attention will be drawn to the quickly approaching Art vs. Craft! The article will apparently be about all the stuff I do from the shop to playing the musical saw (and everything in between). Cover cover cover. weird!!

I guess that's it for now, I mostly just wanted people to check out the NY Times article.

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