Thursday, August 09, 2007

thick summer nights

It's the point of summer where in the morning I think about all my sweaters, tights, scarves and layers- tired of my skirts, t's and flops.... my hair is curly and huge from the humidity and I can't wait to drink hot coffee again.

I found myself answering email from my documentary account from last November this week.

Sometimes I find the perfect balance of busy. There is always a catch though, the big one right now is the fact that I am venue-less for my Fall Art vs. Craft event. It's actually a huge deal and I'm working on securing a space by next week. It was a totally unexpected turn of events after having the most successful show yet this summer, the school where our space is wasn't willing to rent the space after October. So it goes.

Oh, other totally boring personal news is that I let my really cool coffee shop job go and moved down a block to the new bar in my hood called Burnharts to tend bar. I've never bartended and it's been a long time since I've had a job that I don't have any training in. We will leave it at that- I'll share any hilarious "Faythe made me a drink that tastes like ass" stories for later. Right now I'm just training and filling in shifts, when I can. It should be a good little job to pay ye' ol' rent.

What else.... I just finalized the 2008 gallery schedule for Paper Boat. The idea is I will get all my press releases done ahead of time- 2008 is going to be all about making the most of my time and streamlining. So many RAD people showing with us in 08- let's see... Whitney Lee, Leif Goldberg, Steve MacDonald, Kate Binngaman-Burt, Xander Marro, Erin Rosenthal, oh the list goes on. So much good art, so little money to buy it. Thank the lord for Credit Card art collections and Chase and Visa funded independent films.

While I'm talking about Paper Boat, my little baby, if you are reading this and you live in Milwaukee, you should really really really come see the Mike Brodie and Monica Canilao show-- it's so so so good. I broke down and purchaced a piece from both of them. Totally worth it. HERE is a link to photos, but in person, it's way better.

Here is a picture of me someone posted on the Wooden Robots myspace page from the last show we played (NOTE: we will be making a rare, rusty appearance next Friday, August 17th at the Cream City Collective, early-- that's all the information I have)-------------------->NOTE TO SELF: Don't drink during the day in the sun. I got so terribly smashed.

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